Tuesday, March 20, 2007

No More Excuses!

I was watching Fox & Friends and I saw a young man who had cerebral palsy. He did not let that hinder him in realizing one of his dreams, to play on the basketball team at his school. This young man is an excellent free throw shooter. I use the word excellent because of the root word, excel. He has developed enough discipline, dedication and a powerful mindset that allows him to make a very large percentage of his free throw attempts despite his "handicap". In order to get to the point where he is at in life, I imagine he has risen to a level of self expectation where he gives himself no room for excuses.
I have been inspired today by this young man and I'm committed to developing a life without any more excuses. No matter how difficult the task may be, with dedication, disciple and the proper mindset, I can develop excellence in whatever goal I set for myself.

This lesson comes just at the right time. This weekend I had every intention of making a lot of earrings for my web site. However events began to occur and I pushed back my earring designing goal for the weekend and I found myself using excuse after excuse for why I could not make time to make the earrings. Reflecting back on the weekend and the inspiration I received this morning, I realize nothing is accomplished with excuses. Excuses are goal extinguishers.

My new mindset is to know that life will always try to get in the way of accomplishing goals, that’s a given, but a person has the potential to be strong enough to overcome the daily obstacles by being committed to a dream. Through this commitment success will come.

Having said this, I have completed one of many earrings to come.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Inspired by March

I'm inspired by everyone's excitement over the color green this month, so I made another green necklace. This piece is being sold on my http://designsbyjenean.etsy.com shop. I've learned some interesting things about St. Patrick on wikipedia. Check it out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick Wikipedia also says the following about the four leaf clover, "According to legend, each leaflet represents something: the first is for hope, the second is for faith, the third is for love, and the fourth is for luck." Enjoy the rest of the month everyone.

God bless everyone,

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Butterfly necklace

Today is the first day of my blogging experience. I was inspired to start a blog by my fellow beaders at Etsy.com. We are joining together to share ideas and support each other. I sell my designs on my own web site at http://www.designsbyjenean.com and on Esty at http://designsbyjenean.etsy.com. I love the community at Etsy but I also like the freedom to create and market with my own web site.

I have been thinking a lot about spring lately. The weather is warming here in Michigan and I'm noticing a lot of spring colors cropping up in the fashion industry. In response to the inspiration I'm receiving, I created my first spring piece.


God bless everyone,
