Saturday, April 28, 2007

Simple pleasures

Sometimes in life you have to find the simple pleasures to keep you going. My simple pleasure is chai latte tea. I love to come home from a hard day of work and make a cup of chai latte tea. I love the smell and taste of the tea and it calms me. Being inspired by this tea, I have designed a necklace and earring set called Chai Delight with a Donut.

What is your simple pleasure? Go and enjoy it.

God Bless Everyone,

Designs by Jenean

Monday, April 23, 2007

God's Interruptions

I just found out I'm going to be laid off from work soon. Initially, I was overwhelmed by the reality of what is going to happen in a couple of months. However, I began to pray and understand that this is all in God's hands. Everything is going to work out. I don't know how, but I do know WHO. I believe God is interrupting the direction I have been heading in and sending me down a different path. I'm certainly not the first person God has interrupted in life. Abraham was minding his own business, when God interrupted him in a burning bush. He ended up leading the children of Israel out of captivity. David was tending his sheep when God interrupted him and he ended up fighting Goliath then becoming the King of Israel. Mary and Joseph were engaged to be married when God interrupted them. Mary ended up giving birth to the Son of God. The Apostle Paul was on his way to persecute more Christians when God interrupted him. He ended up penning the most books in the New Testament.

You may have a plan for your life but when God interrupts you with His plan, you have to shift gears and begin to work His plan. Jeremiah said that God’s plans for you are for good and not for evil, to give you an expected end. Based on the Word, I know the outcome is going to be good. The hard part of all of this is that God doesn't reveal the whole picture of His plan all at once. His plans are given step by step. As you complete one step, the other step is revealed. His plans are ongoing leading you to good things. It takes faith to follow through with His plans. The writer of Hebrews says, without faith, it is impossible to please Him. You must believe that He is and that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him. Therefore, I have made up my mind that I will seek Him first and I will look at Him and not at the problem. I am making the decision to believe that I am alright and I am good to go.

Today, I’m demonstrating my faith with two crosses I have made. Wearing a cross is not meant to be a fashion statement; it is an outward demonstration of a person’s faith in their Savoir.

God Bless Everyone,


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Try, Try Again

I took a class to learn how to bead crochet. It felt so awkward using this new technique. I was sitting in front of the finished products and I wanted mine to look like the ones that were hanging there. Realistically I knew that wasn't going to happen right away. But for some reason, it made me feel a little frustrated when I began the crochet beading technique.

Later, I began to think back on when I was raising my son. I remember when he learned how to walk. Boy was that awkward. He would fall but he would get back up and try again. The next thing I knew he was running all around the house.

I remember when he learned to ride a bike, it was again, awkward, he fell at times but he kept getting back up and trying again and again until he got it right.

I remembered when he learned how to write and how awkward it was for him. His letters were huge and some were even backwards. None of the words ever came out on a straight line. Nevertheless, he kept trying until it became easy and more developed.

Remembering all of these events and the struggle it took to master them, I know that this new technique that I'm learning will take that same try, try again attitude. My instructor suggested taking a little time each day to practice and I'm going to take her up on her advice. To put a little pressure on myself, I’m posting a picture of my first attempt to bead crochet. I will post a finished product at a later date.

God Bless Everyone,