Sunday, October 11, 2009

No More Excuses

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”
—Henry Ford, American entrepreneur

My goal was to make polymer clay beads. The "obstacle", I didn't have all the tools I thought I needed to get started. The frightful thing was fear of failing. Focusing on the goal helped inspire me to take the first step. Once I got the clay in my hands I began to wish I would have started earlier. I made my first set of Polymer Clay Beads

What "obstacles" are you facing. Try focusing on your goals until they become bigger than those frightful things and powerful enough for you to take action.

Inspiration: U of M - Go Blue

God bless,
Designs by Jenean


Giftbearer said...

Wow! You got those quite uniform for freeform beads not using a mold or anything!

Jewelry by Tara said...

Good for you, great beads!

Designs by Jenean said...

I used a bead roller. That was one of my delays in getting started. I bought the blade then I said I couldn't stEt because I needed the bead roller. After that I was going to get the baking rack when I realized I was just making excuses for not getting started, so I got focused and jumped right in.