Thursday, October 22, 2009

There's strength in number

It is so wonderful to see so many people and organizations supporting breast cancer research. All those living with the diagnosis, know that you are not alone.

Throughout the month of October do not be surprised to see a lot of pink on the football fields. In an effort to raise awareness about breast cancer the NFL has teamed up with the American Cancer Society and celebrities and have added pink splashes to uniforms, towels and equipment.
NFL Raising Awareness

What could be better than supporting a great cause like breast cancer awareness, than to do so by purchasing products to beautify yourself or loved ones. With Avon having its fantastic annual "Walk for a Cure" that was here and gone at the end of September there are still other ways to support companies that support breast cancer awareness and research through the rest of October.
Avon's Support

Yoplait®'s save lids to save lives. During their annual drive, for every pink lid you send in by December 31, 2009 Yoplait® will donate 10 cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, up to $1.5 million. And they guarantee a donation of at least $500,000. So grab your friends, coworkers, yoga class or neighbors and start getting involved today.
Yoplait's Support

Search the Internet to find more ways you can support breast cancer research.

Designs by Jenean will be donating a portion of sales from all pink items sold in the shop in the month of October.
Breast Cancer Awareness

A wise man once said:
"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas A. Edison

Let's astound ourselves.

God bless,
Designs by Jenean

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Teamwork, what a great and rewarding concept

This story is so inspiring. A legally blind young man scored his first touchdown. He didn't do it on his first attempt but with his persistance and help from his teammates, he was able to score a touchdown.

This story shines the light on teamwork and the support you get from it. As a result I'm giving a shout to my teams etsybead
and Cast team
I appreciate the support of my team.

Whose on your team or whose team are you on? Give them a shout out.

God bless,
Designs by Jenean

Sunday, October 11, 2009

No More Excuses

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”
—Henry Ford, American entrepreneur

My goal was to make polymer clay beads. The "obstacle", I didn't have all the tools I thought I needed to get started. The frightful thing was fear of failing. Focusing on the goal helped inspire me to take the first step. Once I got the clay in my hands I began to wish I would have started earlier. I made my first set of Polymer Clay Beads

What "obstacles" are you facing. Try focusing on your goals until they become bigger than those frightful things and powerful enough for you to take action.

Inspiration: U of M - Go Blue

God bless,
Designs by Jenean

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Circle of Promise

I joined the Circle of Promise

It's October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness

Although breast cancer continues to impact people from all backgrounds, there are significant differences within the mortality rates among racial groups. From 2000-2003 African American women had a 36 percent higher death rate than white women, giving them the highest death rate and poorest survival rate of any other racial or ethnic group for breast cancer in the U.S.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure® has pledged to do our part to ensure that African American women are empowered with the information and tools they need to take charge of their own health and serve as ambassadors in their local communities. Komen for the Cure’s Circle of Promise campaign is designed to engage African American women to help end breast cancer forever by fostering increased awareness, support, empowerment and action.

A portion of the sales of pink items in my shop will be donated to the Susan G. Komen - Karmanos Cancer Institute during the month of October.