Friday, February 29, 2008

Sparkling Baby Blues

Meet Frankie, the rare blue-eyed baby koala named after Sinatra

What a interesting and cute story. This is unusual, a koala born with blue eyes. He is adorable. The koala lives in Australia. I did a search on Google for animals born with blue eyes. There’s also a tiger and a wolf and more.
Frankie's story

Feeling inspired, I designed a pearl necklace named Sparkling Baby Blues.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

I’m Too Blessed to be Stressed

There's so much talk of lay offs, mortgage foreclosures, bankruptcies and more. This appears to be a stressful period. However, I firmly believe that God is in control and I'm too blessed to be stressed. Just as some are passing on stories of how hard times are, know that there are plenty of triumphant stories as well.

People have gone through times like this in the past and have survived. It is not the end of the world. Don't look out in the future with gloom and doom; instead take life one day at a time. One positive step you can take is to take time to count your blessings. It's not ALL bad. Do you have family and/or friends that love you, do you have your health, can you see, touch, feel, smell and/or hear, do you have a roof over your head, clothes on your back, food to eat. If you have a number of these things going for you, then you are blessed. Take a deep breath, let it out, relax and instead of stressing count your blessings.

God bless,

Designs by Jenean

Monday, January 28, 2008

Designs by Jenean Video

I finally did it. I finally became a part of the video world. Please feel free to take a look at my Youtube video. Almost 6,000 views in less than 24 hours!

Here's the link to the Youtube page.


God bless,

Designs by Jenean

Sunday, January 27, 2008

In Search for Your Purpose

I was visiting another Etsy member's blogLSKcrochet, and she wrote something on January 9, 2008, that spoke volumes to me. She was sitting with God while crocheting, looking to find her purpose in life. And she believes God finally revealed her purpose, which is her gift and passion for crocheting. You can view LSKcrochet's blog at

I am passionate about beading. When I'm beading I'm so relaxed and excited about the project I'm working on. When I'm not beading I'm thinking of new designs. The dictionary defines passion as “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object or concept.” And even more deeply, the suffering of Jesus at the crucifixion. God places passion in each one of us to fulfill His purpose in our life and to bring us joy for ourselves and sharing with others. What is your passion?

God Bless,

Designs by Jenean

Saturday, January 26, 2008

January Blues

I belong to an Etsy Team and each week we have an Etsy Theme of the Week (EBTW) for our team to promote. This week's theme is January Blues. January is a hard month to get through here in Michigan. The winters are long but it seems the sun doesn't shine much in the month of January. However, to get past the blues, I try to watch comedies. My favorite, that makes me laught all the time is the Rush Hour series. Wisdom says that "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..." Proverbs 17:22. Make sure you have your dose of laughter today and chase the blues away.

God Bless,

Designs by Jenean

Technorati Profile

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Night Beauty

Northern lights or Auroras, according to wiki, are natural different colored light displays, which are usually observed in the night sky, particularly in the polar zone. The aurora borealis are beautiful to view. They are very inspirational to me. I like to buy aurora borealis (AB) crystals for my jewelry. However, in this piece I was inspired by a pendant that reminded me of aurora borealis, a night beauty.

God Bless,

Designs by Jenean

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Song of the Sun

"Have you ever wondered what the Sun would sound like if you could hear it?
Our Sun lies 93,000,000 miles away, surrounded by the vacuum of space. Sound won't travel through space, of course. But with the right instrument, scientists can "hear" pulsations from the Sun."

I believe the song of the sun, is a song of God's faithful. We should join in and put a song in our hearts and sing unto the Lord a new song. Let His praises fill His temple. We Christians are the temple of God. 1 Corintihians 3:16. We shouldn't let the sun "out shine us" in singing.

Everyday God's creation shows His faithfulness. The sun declares His faithfulness by rising in the east each morning and setting in the west each night, day after day, night after night, all around the world. God's faithfulness is demonstrated at all times. Great is His faithfulness.

God Bless,

Designs by Jenean