To deprive of confidence, hope, or spirit
To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence. To give support to; foster and to stimulate.
The common word in each definition is the word confidence. In one definition it’s a lack of confidence and in the other there’s no lack of confidence. The key is to develop and maintain confidence.
There's always going to be competition in all areas of sales. I shop in an area that has a Target, Wal-Mart, Kmart and a Meijer in the same area. They pretty much sell the same things. You don't see Target making statements about closing up shop or becoming discouraged because the other stores are selling what they sell and there's too much competition. Instead, they all attempt to develop a better marketing strategy than the competition. They have created a brand name for themselves. If you see a big letter "K" you know its Kmart. My son knew the word Kmart before he could read. If you see a red bull’s eye, it's Target. Each store tries to distinguish itself from the other by marketing techniques such as branding. That's what each jewelry designer has to do on their site. Create a slogan or phrase. Develop a specialty. Offer quality products.
Always extend excellent customer service. That's how Nordstrom became popular after changing the type of products it was selling. Someone returned some automobile tires to Nordstrom and they took the tires and refunded the person's money. What’s unique about this? They didn’t sell tires. Offering exceptional customer service created a media blitz that cemented Nordstrom’s customer service policy.
My slogan for Designs by Jenean is Handmade Beaded Jewelry That Accentuates Your style. If you were wearing an outfit today, that you bought off the rack, you know many others living in the same area that you live in may be wearing the same thing you have on. With a Design by Jenean, you can separate yourself from the rest of the crowd by adding a beaded necklace. This way you are not looking exactly the same as someone else, you accentuate your style.
Before - A top right out of the store. After - the top with a Design by Jenean
Stay encouraged and be confident!
God Bless Everyone
Thanks for the encouragement!
I think too that because jewelry is often an impulse buy - we need to keep our work consistently in front of people and not think of the competition. A buyer can shop in only so many stores and will buy at the ones they see!
Love your slogan and before/after photos. Great marketing.
I really do agree, Jenean!
I've always said that the only thing you can control in your life is your attitude -- and if you have a good attitude you can do anything you set out to do.
I recently heard that Muhammad Ali would say "the will must be stronger than the skill" -- how true! There are so many talented people out there who never succeed because the lost their will to keep on going!
I really like the messages in your blog! Very thoughtful and positive... great idea to show the before and after photo! A very dramatic and memorable technique. Good luck to you!!
Love the before and after pic. Great idea! :-)
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